
Advanced training in regulatory genomics

I have taught an intensive 2-day ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq Bioinformatics Analysis Workshop to PhD students (experimental biologists) from Goethe Research Academy for Early Career Researchers (GRADE), Goethe-Universität Frankfurt.

Data Analysis - Practical training

I have taught practical sessions on Data Analysis to B.Sc Molecular Biotechnology students of University Heidelberg (2019/20)

Data Analysis - Project based teaching

I have developed teaching materials and course contents for project based teaching of B.Sc Molecular Biotechnology students of University Heidelberg (2019/20)

Research supervision

I have experience in mentoring and supervising young researchers. I have pursued my own research ideas successfully with junior researchers as their bachelor/master thesis and internship projects. Also, I have assisted in the onboarding process of new PhDs and PostDocs helping them start their research projects and learn new techniques.